Source code for anypytools.pytest_plugin

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# pylint: disable=no-member, unused-wildcard-import
Created on Mon Sep  1 12:44:36 2014.

@author: Morten
import os
import re
import ast
import time
import shutil
import warnings
import argparse
import itertools
import contextlib
import collections
from pathlib import Path
from traceback import format_list, extract_tb

import pytest

# from _pytest.fixtures import FixtureRequest
# from _pytest.fixtures import TopRequest

from pytest import TempPathFactory

from anypytools import AnyPyProcess, macro_commands
from import (

[docs]@contextlib.contextmanager def cwd(path): oldpwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(path) try: yield finally: os.chdir(oldpwd)
DEFAULT_ANYTEST_OUTPUT = Path.cwd() / "anytest-output" LOAD_TIME_VARIABLE = "Global.System.LoadedModel.LoadDurationCPUThread" RUN_TEST_TIME_VARIABLE = "Main.RunTest.RunDurationCPUThread"
[docs]def load_duration_supported(): return AMSVersion.from_string(pytest.anytest.ams_version) >= (7, 5, 0, 10759)
[docs]class AnyTestSession(object): """Class for storing configuation of the AnyTest plugin to pytest.""" def __init__(self): self.ammr_version = "" self.ams_version = "" self.save_basefolder = "" self.anytest_compare_dir = "" self.last_number = None self.last_session = None
[docs] def configure(self, config): """Configure the AnyTestSession object. This can't be in __init__() since it is instantiated and added to the pytest namespace very early in the pytest startup. """ ammr_path = find_ammr_path(config.getoption("--ammr") or config.rootdir) self.ammr_version = get_ammr_version(ammr_path) self.ams_path = config.getoption("--anybodycon") or get_anybodycon_path() self.ams_path = os.path.abspath(self.ams_path) if self.ams_path else "" self.ams_version = anybodycon_version(self.ams_path) major_ammr_ver = 1 if self.ammr_version.startswith("1") else 2 self.bm_constants_map = get_bm_constants( ammr_path=ammr_path, ammr_version=major_ammr_ver )
def _limited_traceback(excinfo): """Return a formatted traceback with this frame up removed. The function removes all the stack from this frame up (i.e from __file__ and up) """ tb = extract_tb(excinfo.tb) try: idx = [__file__ in e for e in tb].index(True) return format_list(tb[idx + 1 :]) except ValueError: return format_list(tb) def _read_header(fpath): """Read the commented header of anyscript test file. The function remvoes any leading '//' comments. """ code = "" with open(fpath) as f: for line in f.readlines(): if line.startswith("//"): line = line.strip("//") code += line else: break return code
[docs]@contextlib.contextmanager def change_dir(path): """Context manager for changing directories.""" path = Path(path) prev_cwd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(path) try: yield finally: os.chdir(prev_cwd)
[docs]def pytest_collect_file(parent, path): """Collect AnyScript test files.""" path = Path(path) if path.suffix.lower() == ".any" and path.stem.lower().startswith("test_"): return AnyTestFile.from_parent(parent, path=path)
def _format_switches(defs): if isinstance(defs, dict): defs = [defs] elif isinstance(defs, tuple): combinations = list(itertools.product(*defs)) defs = [] for elem in combinations: defs.append({k: v for d in elem for k, v in d.items()}) elif isinstance(defs, list): pass else: defs = [dict()] if len(defs) == 0: defs = [dict()] return defs def _as_absolute_paths(d, start=os.getcwd()): import ntpath as os_path start = str(start) out = {} start = start if ON_WINDOWS else winepath(start, "-w") for key, val in d.items(): val = val if ON_WINDOWS else winepath(val, "-w") out[key] = os_path.abspath(os_path.relpath(val, start)) return out HEADER_ENSURES = ( ("define", (dict,, ("path", (dict,, ("ignore_errors", (,)), ("warnings_to_include", (,)), ("fatal_warnings", (bool,, ("keep_logfiles", (bool,)), ("logfile_prefix", (str,)), ("expect_errors", (,)), ("save_study", (str,, type(None))), ("pytest_markers", (,)), ("use_gui", (bool,)), ) def _parse_header(header, test_file): ns = {"self": test_file} try: exec(header, globals(), ns) except SyntaxError: pass # Remove test-file object from namespace since it should not be passed on ns.pop("self", None) for name, types in HEADER_ENSURES: if name in ns and not isinstance(ns[name], types): typestr = ", ".join([t.__name__ for t in types]) msg = f"{name} must be one of the following type(s) ({typestr})" raise TypeError(msg) return ns def _write_macro_file(path, name, macro): filename = os.path.join(path, name + ".anymcr") with open(filename, "w") as f: f.writelines([str(mcr) + "\n" for mcr in macro]) return filename def _print_version_info(): """Print the AnyBodyCon executable used in the test.""" print("\nUsing:") print(" AnyBodyCon: ", pytest.anytest.ams_path) print(" ", anybodycon_version(pytest.anytest.ams_path))
[docs]def pytest_collection_finish(session): print() _print_version_info() print()
[docs]class DeferPlugin(object): """Simple plugin to defer pytest-xdist hook functions."""
[docs] def pytest_xdist_setupnodes(self, config, specs): """called before any remote node is set up.""" _print_version_info()
[docs]def pytest_configure(config): """Configure the AnyTest framework.""" pytest.anytest = AnyTestSession() pytest.anytest.configure(config) if config.pluginmanager.hasplugin("xdist"): config.pluginmanager.register(DeferPlugin())
[docs]def pytest_collection_modifyitems(items, config): selected_items = [] deselected_items = [] if ( config.getoption("--anytest-deselect") and config.getoption("--anytest-output") is not None ): # Deselect all test items which doesn't save data. for item in items: if getattr(item, "hdf5_outputs", False): selected_items.append(item) else: deselected_items.append(item) config.hook.pytest_deselected(items=deselected_items) items[:] = selected_items
[docs]class AnyTestFile(pytest.File): """pytest.File subclass for AnyScript files."""
[docs] def collect(self): """Yield test cases from a AnyScript test file.""" # Collect define statements from the header strheader = _read_header(self.path) header = _parse_header(strheader, test_file=self) def_list = _format_switches(header.pop("define", None)) def_list = [ replace_bm_constants(d, pytest.anytest.bm_constants_map) for d in def_list ] path_list = _format_switches(header.pop("path", None)) combinations = itertools.product(def_list, path_list) # Run though the defines an create a test case for each for i, (any_defs, any_paths) in enumerate(combinations): if isinstance(any_defs, dict) and isinstance(any_paths, dict): yield AnyTestItem.from_parent( name=self.path.stem, id=i, parent=self, any_defs=any_defs, any_paths=any_paths, **header, ) else: raise ValueError("Malformed input: ", header)
[docs]class AnyTestItem(pytest.Item): """pytest.Item subclass representing individual collected tests.""" def __init__(self, name, id, parent, any_defs, any_paths, **kwargs): test_name = f"{name}_{id}" super().__init__(test_name, parent) self.any_defs = any_defs for k, v in self.config.getoption("define_kw") or {}: self.any_defs[k] = v self.any_defs["TEST_NAME"] = f'"{test_name}"' if self.config.getoption("--ammr"): any_paths["AMMR_PATH"] = self.config.getoption("--ammr") any_paths["ANYBODY_PATH_AMMR"] = self.config.getoption("--ammr") self.any_paths = _as_absolute_paths(any_paths, start=self.config.rootdir) = test_name self.expect_errors = kwargs.get("expect_errors", []) for marker in kwargs.get("pytest_markers", []): self.add_marker(marker) self.timeout = self.config.getoption("--timeout") self.errors = [] mainfile = self.path if not ON_WINDOWS: mainfile = winepath(mainfile, "-w") self.macro = [ macro_commands.Load(mainfile, self.any_defs, self.any_paths), ] if load_duration_supported(): self.macro += [ macro_commands.Dump(LOAD_TIME_VARIABLE), ] fatal_warnings = kwargs.get("fatal_warnings", False) warnings_to_include = kwargs.get("warnings_to_include", None) if warnings_to_include: warnings.warn( f"\n{name}:`warnings_to_include` is deprecated. \nSpecify the `fatal_warnings` variable as " "a list to select specific warnings", DeprecationWarning, ) if not isinstance(fatal_warnings, fatal_warnings = warnings_to_include if not isinstance(fatal_warnings, fatal_warnings = ["WARNING"] if fatal_warnings else [] self.app_opts = { "silent": True, "debug_mode": self.config.getoption("--anybody_debug_mode"), "anybodycon_path": pytest.anytest.ams_path, "timeout": self.timeout, "ignore_errors": kwargs.get("ignore_errors", []), "warnings_to_include": fatal_warnings, "fatal_warnings": bool(fatal_warnings), "keep_logfiles": kwargs.get("keep_logfiles", True), "logfile_prefix": kwargs.get("logfile_prefix", None), "use_gui": kwargs.get("use_gui", False), } if not self.config.getoption("--only-load"): self.macro += [macro_commands.OperationRun("Main.RunTest")] if load_duration_supported(): self.macro += [ macro_commands.Dump(RUN_TEST_TIME_VARIABLE), ] self.hdf5_outputs = [] save_study = kwargs.get("save_study", None) if save_study and self.config.getoption("--anytest-output") is not None: save_study = [save_study] if isinstance(save_study, str) else save_study for study in save_study: fname = f"{study}.anydata.h5" self.macro.append( f'classoperation {study}.Output "Save data" --type="Deep" --file="{fname}"' ) self.hdf5_outputs.append(fname) return # def setup(self) -> None: # def func() -> None: # pass # self.funcargs = {} # type: ignore[attr-defined] # fm = self.session._fixturemanager # self._fixtureinfo = fm.getfixtureinfo( # type: ignore[attr-defined] # node=self, func=func, cls=None, funcargs=False # ) # self.fixture_request = FixtureRequest(self, _ispytest=True) # self.fixture_request._fillfixtures()
[docs] def runtest(self): """Run an AnyScript test item.""" tmpdir = TempPathFactory.from_config(self.config, _ispytest=True).mktemp( ) with change_dir(tmpdir): = AnyPyProcess(**self.app_opts) if ON_WINDOWS: result = self.macro, logfile=Path(".txt") )[0] else: # Disable caputure on linux due to a bug when AMS lauches it own python capmanager = self.config.pluginmanager.getplugin("capturemanager") with capmanager.global_and_fixture_disabled(): result = self.macro, logfile=Path(".txt") )[0] if load_duration_supported(): load_time = result.get(LOAD_TIME_VARIABLE, None) if load_time is not None: self.user_properties.append(("Load time", load_time)) run_test_time = result.get(RUN_TEST_TIME_VARIABLE, None) if run_test_time is not None: self.user_properties.append(("Run time", run_test_time)) # Ignore error due to missing Main.RunTest if "ERROR" in result: runtest_missing = any( "Error : Main.RunTest" in err for err in result["ERROR"] ) if runtest_missing: runtest_errros = ( "Error : Main.RunTest : Unresolved", "Main.RunTest : Select Operation", "Error : run : command unexpected while", "Error : Main.RunTest.RunDurationCPUThread : Unresolved object", ) result["ERROR"][:] = [ err for err in result["ERROR"] if not any(s in err for s in runtest_errros) ] # Check that the expected errors are present error_list = result.get("ERROR", []) if self.expect_errors: for xerr in self.expect_errors: xerr_found = False for error in error_list[:]: if xerr in error: xerr_found = True error_list.remove(error) if not xerr_found: self.errors.append( f'TEST ERROR: Expected error not found: "{xerr}"' ) # Add remaining errors to item's error list if error_list: self.errors.extend(error_list) if self.errors: self.logfile = Path(result["task_work_dir"]) / result["task_logfile"] # Add info to the hdf5 file if compare output was set if self.hdf5_outputs: base = Path( self.config.getoption("--anytest-output") or DEFAULT_ANYTEST_OUTPUT ) subfolder = Path(self.config.getoption("--anytest-name")) target = base / subfolder / self.save_output_files(tmpdir, target, result, self.hdf5_outputs) if self.errors and self.config.getoption("--create-macros"): logfile = Path(result["task_logfile"]) shutil.copy(logfile, self.path.parent) shutil.copy(logfile.with_suffix(".anymcr"), self.path.parent) # shutil.rmtree(tmpdir, ignore_errors=True) if len(self.errors) > 0: raise AnyException(self) return
[docs] def save_output_files(self, src_folder, target_folder, result, hdf5files): """Saves hdf5, macro, and log files from a test run and copy it to the target_folder """ import h5py target_folder = Path(target_folder) src_folder = Path(src_folder) src_log = src_folder / Path(result["task_logfile"]).name if target_folder.exists(): shutil.rmtree(target_folder) os.makedirs(target_folder) for fn in hdf5files: if (src_folder / fn).exists(): shutil.copyfile(src_folder / fn, target_folder / fn) f = h5py.File(target_folder / fn, "a") f.attrs["anytest_processtime"] = result["task_processtime"] f.attrs["anytest_macro"] = "\n".join(result["task_macro"][:-1]) f.attrs["anytest_ammr_version"] = pytest.anytest.ammr_version f.attrs["anytest_ams_version"] = pytest.anytest.ams_version f.close() else: self.errors.append(f"ERROR: No HDF5 data were saved: {fn}") target_log = target_folder / "logfile.txt" shutil.copyfile(src_log, target_log) src_macrofile = src_log.with_suffix(".anymcr") target_macro = target_folder / "macro.anymcr" shutil.copyfile(src_macrofile, target_macro) with open(target_folder / "run.bat", "w") as f: anybodygui = re.sub( r"(?i)anybodycon\.exe", "anybody.exe", pytest.anytest.ams_path ) f.write(f'"{anybodygui}" -m "%~dp0{}"')
[docs] def repr_failure(self, excinfo): """Print a representation when a test failes.""" if isinstance(excinfo.value, AnyException): rtn = "Main file:\n" rtn += wraptext(self.path, initial_indent=" ") rtn += "\nSpecial model configuration:" for k, v in self.any_defs.items(): rtn += f"\n #define {k} {v}" for k, v in self.any_paths.items(): rtn += f"\n #path {k} {v}" rtn += "\nErrors:" for elem in self.errors: rtn += "\n" rtn += wraptext(elem, initial_indent="> ", subsequent_indent=" ") rtn += f'\nFull logfile: "{self.logfile.absolute()}"' return rtn else: return str(excinfo.value)
[docs] def reportinfo(self): """ """ return self.path, 0, f"AnyBody Simulation: {}"
[docs]class AnyException(Exception): """Custom exception for error reporting."""
[docs]def split_string_eq_1(kv): return kv.split("=", 1)
[docs]def pytest_addoption(parser): group = parser.getgroup("anypytools", "testing AnyBody models") group.addoption( "--anybodycon", action="store", metavar="path", help="anybodycon.exe used in test: default or " "path-to-anybodycon", ) group.addoption( "--anybody_debug_mode", default=0, type=int, help="Sets the debug mode for the anybody console application. This can be used to enable crash dumps.", ) group.addoption( "--only-load", action="store_true", help="Only run a load test. I.e. do not run the " "'RunTest' macro", ) group.addoption( "--ammr", action="store", metavar="path", help="Can be used to specify which AnyBody Managed Model " "Repository (AMMR) to use. Setting this will pass a " "'AMMR_PATH' path statement for all models", ) group.addoption( "--define", action="append", type=split_string_eq_1, dest="define_kw", help="Add custom define statements parse to all AnyScript models. " "Must be given in the form: --define MYDEF=6", ) group._addoption( "--timeout", default=3600, type=int, help="terminate tests after a certain timeout period", ) group.addoption( "--create-macros", action="store_true", help="Create a macro file if the test fails. This makes it " "easy to re-run the failed test in the gui application.", ) group.addoption( "--anytest-name", nargs="?", default=time.strftime("%Y_%m_%d-%H.%M.%S"), help="Specify the subfolder where test output is stored. This defaults to a time stamp, but can overriden with a specific name", ) group.addoption( "--anytest-deselect", dest="anytest_deselect", default=True, action=argparse.BooleanOptionalAction, help="Will deselect any test which does not produce hdf5 output.", ) group.addoption( "--anytest-output", metavar="path", nargs="?", default=None, const=str(DEFAULT_ANYTEST_OUTPUT), help=( "Specify if hdf5 files are saved from the tests. Can be assined a value to specify the base " "folder where data will be saved. Default save directory is %(const)r." ), )