Source code for anypytools.datautils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Mon Jan 16 11:40:42 2012.

@author: mel
import os
import re
import logging
import warnings
import os.path as op
from ast import literal_eval

import numpy as np

logger = logging.getLogger("abt.anypytools")

__all__ = ["anydatah5_generator", "anyoutputfile_generator", "read_anyoutputfile"]

[docs]def anydatah5_generator(folder=None, match=r".*(\.h5)"): r"""Create a generator which opens anydata.h5 files. Parameters ---------- folder : str, optional path of the directory to look for anydata.h5 files. Defaults is the current working directory match : str regular expression to match with filenames. Default is to include file ending with .h5 '.*(\.h5)' Yields ------- h5py_file : array_like a h5_py file opened with anypytools.h5py_wrapper filename : str name of the file from which the data was read Examples -------- >>> for (h5, filename) in anydatah5_generator(): print(h5) """ from . import h5py_wrapper if folder is None: folder = str(os.getcwd()) def func(item): return re.match(item, match, flags=re.IGNORECASE) filelist = filter(func, os.listdir(folder)) for filename in filelist: try: with h5py_wrapper.File(op.join(folder, filename)) as h5file: yield (h5file, filename) except IOError: pass
[docs]def anyoutputfile_generator(folder=None, match=r".*\.(csv|txt)"): """Create a generator which opens AnyOutput files. Parameters ---------- folder : str, optional path of the directory to look for AnyOutput files. Defaults is the current working directory match : str regular expression to match with filenames. Default is to include file ending with .csv or .txt '.*(.csv|.txt)' Yields ------- data : array_like data collumns in the anyoutput file header : list list of the collumn names constants : dict mapping with constants found in the file filename : str name of the file from which the data was read Examples -------- >>> for (data, header, const, fn) in anyoutputfile_generator(): print(fn) print(header) print(data.shape) """ if folder is None: folder = str(os.getcwd()) def func(item): return re.match(item, match, flags=re.IGNORECASE) filelist = filter(func, os.listdir(folder)) for filename in filelist: filepath = op.join(folder, filename) data, header, const = open_anyoutputfile(filepath) if data is None: continue yield (data, header, const, os.path.basename(filepath))
def open_anyoutputfile(filepath): warnings.warn( "Deprecated: open_anyoutputfile is renamed to " "read_anyoutputfile", DeprecationWarning, ) return read_anyoutputfile(filepath) def _is_scinum(str): """Check if a string is a number acording to numpy.""" try: float(str) return True except ValueError: return False
[docs]def read_anyoutputfile(filepath): """Read an AnyOutput file. Parameters ---------- filepath : str Returns ------- data : array_like data collumns in the anyoutput file header : list list of the collumn names constants : dict mapping with constants found in the file """ with open(filepath, "r") as anyoutputfile: constants = {} reader = iter(anyoutputfile.readline, b"") # Check when the header section ends fpos1 = 0 fpos0 = 0 for row in reader: if _is_scinum(row.split(",")[0]): break # Save constant from AnyOutput file const, value = _parse_anyoutputfile_constants(row) if const is not None: constants[const] = value fpos1, fpos0 = fpos0, anyoutputfile.tell() else: warnings.warn("No numeric data in " + os.path.basename(filepath)) return (None, None, constants) # Read last line of the header section if there is a header if fpos0 != 0: header = next(reader).strip("\n").split(",") else: header = None data = [] for row in reader: try: data.append([float(val) for val in row.strip("\n").split(",")]) except ValueError: break data = np.array(data) return (data, header, constants)
def _parse_anyoutputfile_constants(strvar): value = None varname = None if strvar.count("=") == 1 and strvar.startswith("Main"): (first, last) = strvar.split("=") varname = first.strip() last = last.strip() value = None last = last.strip("\n") if last.find("{") == -1: try: value = str(literal_eval("'''" + last + "'''")) value = str(literal_eval(last)) value = float(literal_eval(last)) except Exception: pass else: last = last.replace("{", "[").replace("}", "]") try: value = np.array(literal_eval("'''" + last + "'''")) value = np.array(literal_eval(last)) except Exception: pass return (varname, value)