Created on Mon Jan 16 11:40:42 2012.
@author: mel
- anypytools.datautils.anydatah5_generator(folder=None, match='.*(\\.h5)')[source]¶
Create a generator which opens anydata.h5 files.
- Parameters
folder (str, optional) – path of the directory to look for anydata.h5 files. Defaults is the current working directory
match (str) – regular expression to match with filenames. Default is to include file ending with .h5 ‘.*(.h5)’
- Yields
h5py_file (array_like) – a h5_py file opened with anypytools.h5py_wrapper
filename (str) – name of the file from which the data was read
>>> for (h5, filename) in anydatah5_generator(): print(h5)
- anypytools.datautils.anyoutputfile_generator(folder=None, match='.*\\.(csv|txt)')[source]¶
Create a generator which opens AnyOutput files.
- Parameters
folder (str, optional) – path of the directory to look for AnyOutput files. Defaults is the current working directory
match (str) – regular expression to match with filenames. Default is to include file ending with .csv or .txt ‘.*(.csv|.txt)’
- Yields
data (array_like) – data collumns in the anyoutput file
header (list) – list of the collumn names
constants (dict) – mapping with constants found in the file
filename (str) – name of the file from which the data was read
>>> for (data, header, const, fn) in anyoutputfile_generator(): print(fn) print(header) print(data.shape)