Source code for anypytools.abcutils

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Utilities for working with the AnyBody Console applicaiton.

Created on Fri Oct 19 21:14:59 2012
@author: Morten

import atexit
import collections
import copy
import ctypes
import logging
import os
import pathlib
import shelve
import sys
import time
import types
import warnings
from contextlib import suppress
from pathlib import Path
from queue import Queue
from subprocess import TimeoutExpired
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
from threading import RLock, Thread
from typing import Generator, List

import numpy as np
from import tqdm

from .macroutils import AnyMacro, MacroCommand
from .tools import (

    from .jobpopen import JobPopen as Popen
    from subprocess import CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP
    from subprocess import Popen

logger = logging.getLogger("abt.anypytools")

_thread_lock = RLock()
_UNABLE_TO_ACQUIRE_LICENSE = 234  # May indicate wrong password

class _SubProcessContainer(object):
    """Class to hold a record of process pids from Popen.

        Kill all process held by the object
        Add process id to the record of process
        Remove process id from the record


    def __init__(self):
        self._pids: set = set()

    def add(self, pid):
        with _thread_lock:

    def remove(self, pid):
        with _thread_lock:

    def stop_all(self):
        """Clean up and shut down any running processes."""
        # Kill any rouge processes that are still running.
        with _thread_lock:
            for pid in self._pids:
                with suppress(Exception):
                    os.kill(pid, _KILLED_BY_ANYPYTOOLS)

_subprocess_container = _SubProcessContainer()

[docs]def execute_anybodycon( macro, logfile=None, anybodycon_path=None, timeout=3600, keep_macrofile=False, env=None, priority=BELOW_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, debug_mode=0, folder=None, interactive_mode=False, ): """Launch a single AnyBodyConsole applicaiton. This is a low level function to start a AnyBody Console process with a given list macros. Parameters ---------- macro : list of str List of macros strings to pass to the AnyBody Console Application logfile : file like object, optional An open file like object to write to pipe the output of AnyBody into. (Defaults to None, in which case it will use sys.stdout) anybodycon_path : str, optional Path to the AnyBodyConsole application. Default to None, in which case the default installed AnyBody installation will be looked up in the Windows registry. timeout : int, optional Timeout before the process is killed autmotically. Defaults to 3600 seconds (1 hour). keep_macrofile : bool, optional Set to True to prevent the temporary macro file from beeing deleted. (Defaults to False) env: dict Environment varaibles which are passed to the started AnyBody console application. priority : int, optional The priority of the subprocesses. This can be on of the following: ``anypytools.IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS``, ``anypytools.BELOW_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS``, ``anypytools.NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS``, ``anypytools.HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS`` Default is BELOW_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS. interactive_mode : bool, optional If set to True, the AnyBody Console application will be started in iteractive mode, and will not shutdown autmaticaly after running the macro. (Defaults to False) debug_mode : int The AMS debug mode to use. Defaults to 0 which is disabled. 1 correspond to crashdump enabled folder : the folder in which AnyBody is executed Returns ------- int The return code from the AnyBody Console application. """ if folder is None: folder = os.getcwd() try: macrofile_path = Path(folder).resolve() / (Path( + ".anymcr") except AttributeError: macrofile_path = Path("macrofile.anymcr") macrofile_cleanup = [macrofile_path] if logfile is None: logfile = sys.stdout if anybodycon_path is None: anybodycon_path = Path(get_anybodycon_path()) if not interactive_mode and macro and macro[-1] != "exit": macro.append("exit") if not os.path.isfile(anybodycon_path): raise IOError(f"Can not find anybodycon: {anybodycon_path}") with open(macrofile_path, "w+b") as fh: fh.write("\n".join(macro).encode("UTF-8")) fh.flush() if ON_WINDOWS: # Don't display the Windows GPF dialog if the invoked program dies. # See # How to suppress crash notification dialog?, Jan 14,2004 - # Raymond Chen's response [1] SEM_NOGPFAULTERRORBOX = 0x0002 # From MSDN ctypes.windll.kernel32.SetErrorMode(SEM_NOGPFAULTERRORBOX) subprocess_flags = 0x8000000 # win32con.CREATE_NO_WINDOW? subprocess_flags |= priority subprocess_flags |= CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP extra_kwargs = {"creationflags": subprocess_flags} cmd = [ str(anybodycon_path.resolve()), "-m", str(macrofile_path), "/deb", str(debug_mode), "/ni" if not interactive_mode else "", ] kwargs = { "stdout": logfile, "stderr": logfile, "env": env, "cwd": folder, **extra_kwargs, } else: if os.environ.get("WINE_REDIRECT_OUTPUT", 0): cmd = [ "wine", str(anybodycon_path.resolve()), "-m", winepath(macrofile_path, "--windows"), "/deb", str(debug_mode), "/ni", ] kwargs = { "env": env, "cwd": folder, "close_fds": False, "stdout": logfile, "stderr": logfile, } else: # ON Linux/Wine we use a bat file to redirect the output into a file on wine/windows # side. This prevents a bug with AnyBody starts it's builtin python. anybodycmd = ( f'@call "{winepath(anybodycon_path.resolve(), "--windows")}"' f' -m "{winepath(macrofile_path, "--windows")}"' f" -deb {str(debug_mode)}" " -ni" f' >> "{winepath(str(, "--windows")}" 2>&1\n' r"@exit /b %ERRORLEVEL%" ) # Wine can have problems with arbitrary names. Create simple uniqe name for the file hash_id = abs(hash( % (10**8) batfile = macrofile_path.with_name(f"wine_{hash_id}.bat") batfile.write_text(anybodycmd) macrofile_cleanup.append(batfile) cmd = ["wine", "cmd", "/c", str(batfile) + r"& exit /b %ERRORLEVEL%"] kwargs = {"env": env, "cwd": folder} proc = Popen(cmd, **kwargs) retcode = None _subprocess_container.add( try: proc.wait(timeout=timeout) retcode = ctypes.c_int32(proc.returncode).value except TimeoutExpired: proc.kill() proc.communicate() retcode = _TIMEDOUT_BY_ANYPYTOOLS except KeyboardInterrupt as e: proc.terminate() proc.communicate() retcode = _KILLED_BY_ANYPYTOOLS raise e finally: if retcode is None: proc.kill() if ON_WINDOWS: proc._close_job_object(proc._win32_job) else: _subprocess_container.remove( if retcode == _TIMEDOUT_BY_ANYPYTOOLS: logfile.write(f"\nERROR: AnyPyTools : Timeout after {int(timeout)} sec.") elif retcode == _KILLED_BY_ANYPYTOOLS: logfile.write(f"\n{} was interrupted by AnyPyTools") elif retcode == _NO_LICENSES_AVAILABLE: logfile.write( f"\nERROR: {} existed unexpectedly. " "Return code: " + str(_NO_LICENSES_AVAILABLE) + " : No license available." ) elif retcode == _UNABLE_TO_ACQUIRE_LICENSE: logfile.write( f"\nERROR: {} existed unexpectedly. " f"Return code {_UNABLE_TO_ACQUIRE_LICENSE}: " "Unable to aquire license from server" ) elif retcode: logfile.write( f"\nERROR: AnyPyTools : {} exited unexpectedly." f" Return code: {retcode}" ) if not keep_macrofile: for fname in macrofile_cleanup: silentremove(str(fname)) return retcode
class _Task(object): """Class for storing processing jobs. Attributes: folder: directory in which the macro is executed macro: list of macro commands to execute number: id number of the task name: name of the task, which is used for printing status informations logfile: If provided will specify an explicit logfile to use. """ def __init__(self, folder=None, macro=None, taskname=None, number=1, logfile=None): """Init the Task class with the class attributes.""" if folder: folder = Path(folder) else: folder = Path(os.getcwd()) self.folder = str(folder.absolute()) if macro is not None: self.macro = macro else: self.macro = [] self.output = AnyPyProcessOutput() self.number = number self.logfile = logfile or "" self.processtime = 0 self.retcode = None = taskname if taskname: = taskname else: = f"{}-{}-{number}".lstrip("-") def has_error(self): return "ERROR" in self.output def add_error(self, error_msg): try: self.output["ERROR"].append(error_msg) except KeyError: self.output["ERROR"] = [error_msg] def get_output(self, include_task_info=True): out = self.output if include_task_info: out["task_macro_hash"] = format(make_hash(self.macro), "x") out["task_id"] = self.number out["task_work_dir"] = self.folder out["task_name"] = out["task_processtime"] = self.processtime out["task_macro"] = self.macro out["task_logfile"] = self.logfile return out @classmethod def from_output_data(cls, task_output): if not cls.is_valid(task_output): raise ValueError( 'Output can only be reprocessed, if "Task info"' "is included in the output." ) task = cls( folder=task_output["task_work_dir"], macro=task_output["task_macro"], taskname=task_output["task_name"], number=task_output["task_id"], logfile=task_output["task_logfile"], ) task.processtime = task_output["task_processtime"] task.output = task_output return task @classmethod def from_output_list(cls, outputlist): for elem in outputlist: yield cls.from_output_data(elem) @classmethod def from_macrofolderlist(cls, macrolist, folderlist, explicit_logfile=None): if not macrolist: raise StopIteration macrofolderlist = [(m, f) for f in folderlist for m in macrolist] for i, (macro, folder) in enumerate(macrofolderlist): log = explicit_logfile if log and len(macrofolderlist) > 1: log = pathlib.Path(log) log = log.parent / (log.stem + "_" + str(i) + log.suffix) yield cls(folder, macro, number=i, logfile=log) @staticmethod def is_valid(output_elem): keys = ( "task_macro_hash", "task_id", "task_work_dir", "task_name", "task_processtime", "task_macro", "task_logfile", ) return all(k in output_elem for k in keys)
[docs]def tasklist_summery(tasklist: List[_Task]) -> str: out = "" unfinished_tasks = [t for t in tasklist if t.processtime <= 0] failed_tasks = [t for t in tasklist if t.has_error() and t.processtime > 0] completed_tasks = [t for t in tasklist if not t.has_error() and t.processtime > 0] out += f"Completed: {len(completed_tasks)}" if len(failed_tasks): out += f", Failed: {len(failed_tasks):d}" if len(unfinished_tasks): out += f", Not processed: {len(unfinished_tasks):d}" return out
[docs]def task_summery(task: _Task) -> str: if task.has_error(): status = "Failed" elif task.processtime == 0: status = "Not completed" else: status = "Completed" line = f"{status} (i={task.number}) : {task.processtime:.1f} sec" if task.logfile: line += f" : {os.path.basename(task.logfile)}" return line
[docs]class AnyPyProcess(object): """ Class for configuring batch process jobs of AnyBody models. This is the main interface to control the AnyBody console application from python. The class stores all the configuration about how AnyBody is run. It has one important method `start_macro` which launches the AnyBody with a given anyscript macro. Parameters ---------- num_processes : int, optional Number of anybody models to start in parallel. This defaults to the number of logical CPU cores in the computer. anybodycon_path : str, optional Overwrite the default anybodycon.exe file to use in batch processing. Defaults to 'AnyBodyCon' on path, or to what is found in the windows registry. timeout : int, optional Maximum time (i seconds) a model can run until it is terminated. Defaults to 3600 sec (1 hour). silent : bool, optional Set to True to suppress any output such as progress bar and error messages. (Defaults to False). ignore_errors : list of str, optional List of AnyBody Errors substrings to ignore when running the models. (Defaults to None) warnings_to_include : list of str, optional List of strings that are matched to warnings in the model output. If a warning with that string is found the warning is returned in the output. (Defaults to None) fatal_warnings: bool, optional Treat warnings as errors. This only triggers for specific warnings given by ``warnings_to_include`` argument. keep_logfiles : bool, optional If True logfile will never be removed. Even if a simulations successeds without error. (Defautls to False) logfile_prefix : str, optional String which will be prefixed to the generated log files. This can be used to assign a more meaningfull name to a batch of logfiles. (Defaults to None) python_env : pathlike, optional Path to a python environment/installation that the AnyBody Modeling System should use for Python Hooks. This will added the ``PYTHONHOME`` environment variable and prepended to the ``PATH`` before starting the AnyBody Console application. (Defaults to None, which will use the default Python installation on the computer.) debug_mode : int, optional Sets the debug mode flag for the AnyBodyConsole appplication (e.g. the /deb <number> flag) use_gui : bool, optional Swictch to use the GUI instead of the console version of AMS. This works by replacing the 'anybodycon' part of the executable with 'anybody' of the `anybodycon_path` arguments. I.e. ".../anybdoycon.exe" becomes ".../anybody.exe" interactive_mode : bool, optional If set to True, AnyBody will be started in iteractive mode, and will not shutdown autmaticaly after running the macro. This automatically enables the `use_gui` argument (Defaults to False) priority : int, optional The priority of the subprocesses. This can be on of the following: ``anypytools.IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS``, ``anypytools.BELOW_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS``, ``anypytools.NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS``, ``anypytools.HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS`` Default is BELOW_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS. Returns ------- AnyPyProcess An instance of the AnyPyProcess object for running batch processing, parameter studies and pertubation jobs. Example ------- The following example shows how to instantiate a AnyPyProcess object. >>> app = AnyPyProcess(num_processes=8) The `app` object has methods for launching macros, saving results etc. >>> macro = ['load "MyModel.any"', 'operation Main.MyStudy.Kinematics', 'run'] >>> app.start_macro(macro) """ def __init__( self, num_processes=get_ncpu(), anybodycon_path=None, timeout=3600, silent=False, ignore_errors=None, warnings_to_include=None, fatal_warnings=False, return_task_info=None, keep_logfiles=False, logfile_prefix=None, python_env=None, debug_mode=0, use_gui=False, priority=BELOW_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, interactive_mode=False, **kwargs, ): if return_task_info is not None: warnings.warn( "return_task_info is deprecated, and task meta information is always included in the output.", DeprecationWarning, stacklevel=2, ) if kwargs: warnings.warn( "The following input arguments are not supported/understood:\n" + str(list(kwargs.keys())) ) if not isinstance(ignore_errors, (list, type(None))): raise ValueError("ignore_errors must be a list of strings") if not isinstance(warnings_to_include, (list, type(None))): raise ValueError("warnings_to_include must be a list of strings") if anybodycon_path is None: anybodycon_path = get_anybodycon_path() anybodycon_path = Path(anybodycon_path) if use_gui or interactive_mode: anybodycon_path = anybodycon_path.with_name( case_preserving_replace(, "anybodycon", "anybody") ) if anybodycon_path.exists(): self.anybodycon_path = anybodycon_path else: raise IOError(f"Can't find {anybodycon_path}") self.num_processes = num_processes self.priority = priority self.silent = silent self.timeout = timeout self.counter = 0 self.debug_mode = debug_mode self.fatal_warnings = fatal_warnings self.ignore_errors = ignore_errors self.warnings_to_include = warnings_to_include self.keep_logfiles = keep_logfiles self.logfile_prefix = logfile_prefix self.interactive_mode = interactive_mode self.cached_arg_hash = None self.cached_tasklist = None if python_env is not None: if not os.path.isdir(python_env): raise IOError("Python environment does not exist:" + python_env) env = dict(os.environ) env["PYTHONHOME"] = python_env env["PATH"] = env["PYTHONHOME"] + ";" + env["PATH"] self.env = env else: self.env = None logging.debug("\nAnyPyProcess initialized")
[docs] def save_results(self, filename, append=False): """Save resently processed results. Save results for later reloading or to continue processing unfished results at a later time. Parameters ---------- filename : str filename of the file where processing was stored. append : bool If true append data to what ever is already saved. This allows for saving data in batches. Returns ------- None Examples -------- >>> macro = ['load "model1.any"', 'operation Main.RunApplication', 'run'] >>> app.start_macro(macro) >>> app.save_results('saved_data.db') """ if self.cached_tasklist: savekey = "processed_tasks" db =, writeback=True) if not append or savekey not in db: db[savekey] = self.cached_tasklist else: db[savekey].extend(self.cached_tasklist) db.close() else: raise ValueError("Noting to save")
[docs] def save_to_hdf5(self, filename, batch_name=None): """Save cached results to hdf5 file. Parameters ---------- filename : str filename where data should be stored batch_name : str Name of the group in the HDF5 file to save the data within. If not specified the group hash value of the macro will be used. Returns ------- None """ import h5py if not self.cached_tasklist: raise ValueError("No data available for saving") if batch_name is None: batch_name = str(self.cached_arg_hash) any_output = AnyPyProcessOutputList( [task.get_output() for task in self.cached_tasklist] ) task_names = [elem["task_name"] for elem in any_output] unique_names = len(task_names) == len(set(task_names)) with h5py.File(filename, "w") as h5file: h5_batch_group = h5file.create_group(batch_name) for run in any_output: task_name = run["task_name"] if unique_names else str(run["task_id"]) task_name = task_name.replace("/", "|") h5_task_group = h5_batch_group.create_group(task_name) for k, v in run.items(): if not isinstance(v, np.ndarray): if isinstance(v, list): h5_task_group.attrs[k] = str(v) else: h5_task_group.attrs[k] = v elif isinstance(v, np.ndarray): h5_task_group.create_dataset(k, data=v)
[docs] def load_results(self, filename): """Load previously saved results. Besides reloading results the function can be used to continue a partial finished processing process. Parameters ---------- filename : str filename of the file where processing was stored. Returns ------- list A list with the output from each macro executed. This maybe empty the macros did not output any data. Examples -------- Results are easily reloaded: >>> app = AnyPyProcess() >>> results = app.load_results('saved_results.db') Continue processing unfinished batches: >>> app.load_results('unfinished_results.db') >>> results = app.start_macro() # rerun unfinished """ loadkey = "processed_tasks" db = loaded_data = db[loadkey] db.close() # Hack to help Enrico convert data to the new structured if not isinstance(loaded_data[0].output, AnyPyProcessOutput): for task in loaded_data: task.output = AnyPyProcessOutput(task.output) self.cached_tasklist = loaded_data results = [task.get_output(True) for task in loaded_data] return AnyPyProcessOutputList(results)
[docs] def start_macro( self, macrolist=None, folderlist=None, search_subdirs=None, logfile=None ): """Start a batch processing job. Runs a list of AnyBody Macro commands in the current directory, or in the folders specified by `folderlist`. If `search_subdirs` is a regular expression the folderlist will be expanded to include all subdirectories that match the regular expression Parameters ---------- macrolist : list of macrocommands, optional List of anyscript macro commands. This may also be obmitted in which case the previous macros will be re-run. folderlist : list of str, optional List of folders in which to excute the macro commands. If `None` the current working directory is used. This may also be a list of tuples to specify a name to appear in the output search_subdirs : str, optional Regular expression used to extend the folderlist with all the subdirectories that match the regular expression. Defaults to None: No subdirectories are included. logfile: str, optional If specified an explicit name will be used for the log files generated. Otherwise, random names are used for logfiles Returns ------- list A list with the output from each macro executed. This maybe empty the macros did not output any data. Examples -------- >>> macro = [['load "model1.any"', 'operation Main.RunApplication', 'run'], ['load "model2.any"', 'operation Main.RunApplication', 'run'], ['load "model3.any"', 'operation Main.RunApplication', 'run']] >>> folderlist = [('path1/', 'name1'), ('path2/', 'name2')] >>> app.start_macro(macro, folderlist, search_subdirs = "*.main.any") """ # Handle different input types if isinstance(macrolist, types.GeneratorType): macrolist = list(macrolist) if isinstance(macrolist, AnyMacro): macrolist = macrolist.create_macros() elif isinstance(macrolist, list) and len(macrolist): if not isinstance(macrolist[0], (list, tuple)): macrolist = [macrolist] if isinstance(macrolist[0], list) and len(macrolist[0]): macrolist = [ [ mc.get_macro(index=0) if isinstance(mc, MacroCommand) else mc for mc in elem ] for elem in macrolist ] elif isinstance(macrolist, str): if macrolist.startswith("[") and macrolist.endswith("]"): macrolist = macrolist.strip("[").rstrip("]") macrolist = [macrolist.split(", ")] else: macrolist = [[macrolist]] elif isinstance(macrolist, (type(None), AnyPyProcessOutputList)): pass else: raise ValueError("Wrong input argument for macrolist") # Check folderlist input argument if not folderlist: folderlist = [os.getcwd()] if not isinstance(folderlist, list): raise TypeError("folderlist must be a list of folders") # Extend the folderlist if search_subdir is given if isinstance(search_subdirs, str) and isinstance(folderlist[0], str): folderlist = sum([getsubdirs(d, search_subdirs) for d in folderlist], []) if len(folderlist) == 0: raise ValueError( f"No subdirectories found, which match the file:{search_subdirs}" ) # Check for explicit logfile if not isinstance(logfile, (type(None), str, os.PathLike)): raise ValueError("logfile must be a str or path") # Check the input arguments and generate the tasklist if macrolist is None: if self.cached_tasklist: tasklist = self.cached_tasklist else: raise ValueError( "macrolist argument can only be ommitted if " "the AnyPyProcess object has cached output " "to process" ) elif isinstance(macrolist[0], tasklist = list(_Task.from_output_list(macrolist)) elif isinstance(macrolist[0], list): arg_hash = format( abs(make_hash([macrolist, folderlist, search_subdirs, logfile])), "x" ) if self.cached_tasklist and self.cached_arg_hash == arg_hash: tasklist = self.cached_tasklist else: self.cached_arg_hash = arg_hash tasklist = list( _Task.from_macrofolderlist(macrolist, folderlist, logfile) ) else: raise ValueError("Nothing to process for " + str(macrolist)) # Start the scheduler try: with tqdm(total=len(tasklist), disable=self.silent) as pbar: for task in self._schedule_processes(tasklist): if task.has_error() and not self.silent: tqdm.write(task_summery(task)) if hasattr(pbar, "container"): pbar.container.children[0].bar_style = "danger" pbar.update() except KeyboardInterrupt: tqdm.write("KeyboardInterrupt: User aborted") finally: _subprocess_container.stop_all() if not self.silent: tqdm.write(tasklist_summery(tasklist)) self.cleanup_logfiles(tasklist) # Cache the processed tasklist for restarting later self.cached_tasklist = tasklist return AnyPyProcessOutputList(t.get_output() for t in tasklist)
def _worker(self, task, task_queue): """Handle processing of the tasks.""" with _thread_lock: task.process_number = self.counter self.counter += 1 if task.output: # Skip processing trials already completed without errors if not task.has_error() and task.processtime > 0: task_queue.put(task) return if not os.path.exists(task.folder): raise (ValueError(f"The folder does not exists: {task.folder}")) try: if not task.logfile: # If no explicit log file was given use NamedTemporaryFile # to create one with NamedTemporaryFile( mode="w+", prefix=(self.logfile_prefix or + "_(", suffix=").txt", dir=task.folder, delete=False, ) as fh: task.logfile = with open( task.logfile, "w+", encoding="utf8", errors="backslashreplace" ) as logfile: logfile.write("########### MACRO #############\n") logfile.write("\n".join(task.macro)) logfile.write("\n\n######### OUTPUT LOG ##########") logfile.flush() task.logfile = starttime = time.time() exe_args = dict( macro=task.macro, logfile=logfile, anybodycon_path=self.anybodycon_path, timeout=self.timeout, keep_macrofile=self.keep_logfiles, env=self.env, priority=self.priority, debug_mode=self.debug_mode, folder=task.folder, interactive_mode=self.interactive_mode, ) try: task.retcode = execute_anybodycon(**exe_args) if task.retcode == _KILLED_BY_ANYPYTOOLS: task.processtime = 0 else: task.processtime = time.time() - starttime except KeyboardInterrupt as e: task.processtime = 0 raise e finally: try: readout = except Exception as e: print( raise e task.output = parse_anybodycon_output( readout, self.ignore_errors, self.warnings_to_include, fatal_warnings=self.fatal_warnings, ) finally: if not self.keep_logfiles and not task.has_error(): silentremove( task.logfile = "" task_queue.put(task) def _schedule_processes( self, tasklist: List[_Task] ) -> Generator[_Task, None, None]: # Make a shallow copy of the task list, # so we don't mess with the callers list. tasklist = copy.copy(tasklist) use_threading = "ANPYTOOLS_DEBUG_NO_THREADING" not in os.environ task_queue: Queue = Queue() threads: List[Thread] = [] # run while there is still threads, tasks or stuff in the queue # to process while threads or tasklist or task_queue.qsize(): # if we aren't using all the processors AND there is still # data left to compute, then spawn another thread if (len(threads) < self.num_processes) and tasklist: if use_threading: t = Thread( target=self._worker, args=tuple([tasklist.pop(0), task_queue]) ) t.daemon = True t.start() threads.append(t) else: self._worker(tasklist.pop(0), task_queue) else: # In the case that we have the maximum number # of running threads or we run out tasks. # Check if any of them are done for thread in threads: if not thread.is_alive(): threads.remove(thread) while task_queue.qsize(): task = task_queue.get() yield task time.sleep(0.1)
[docs] def cleanup_logfiles(self, tasklist): for task in tasklist: try: if not self.keep_logfiles: if not task.has_error() or task.retcode == _KILLED_BY_ANYPYTOOLS: silentremove(task.logfile) task.logfile = "" except OSError as e: logger.debug(f"Could not remove {task.logfile} {str(e)}") if not self.keep_logfiles and task.logfile: try: macrofile = Path(task.logfile).with_suffix(".anymcr") silentremove(macrofile) except OSError as e: logger.debug(f"Could not remove: {macrofile} {e}")